Saturday, February 19, 2005

February mountain

I'm trying to climb a mountain every month this year. See 43things for more info. Well, here's what happened...

Weather outlook for the weekend – cold, sunny. I’m off. So Thursday night I decide to skip work for Friday. Friday morning, get the train and bus to Ambleside, hike the 10 miles up to Great Langdale campsite.

Rain in the night turns to ice on my tent by morning. I share my breakfast with robins and great tits. Then I’m off by 8:30 and a the top of Pike O Blisco by 10, and the summit has an 80mph roaring storm blowing on it. But only on the top summit. It nearly stopped me touching the top cairn, but I’d come this far, I wasn’t going to stop.

A minor thigh strain put me off a longer hike, so I figured I could head down the other side of the mountain, back to the valley, brew up some lunch there, then get the bus back to Ambleside. I got back about 11:50, and then realised there was a bus at 12:30, so I broke camp in double quick time and yomped to the bus stop. Home feels good.

Two down, ten to go.

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