Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Alain de Botton

I just want to collect a few tweets from Alain de Botton, he's a philosopher/writer who you can rely on to produce a useful snippet of text on twitter, and not fill it with ramblings of what he had for tea or pointless whinings. He even sent me a personal reply when I commented on one of his tweets.

The following are all his works. Follow him on @alaindebotton on twitter for more.

We've all had enough setbacks not to be a little relieved by the pains of others.

Despite love, therapy, literature, achievement, few sensations are more difficult to shake off than the sense one is a loser.

The problem with people who would be outstanding in a shipwreck is that there aren't - in the end - so many shipwrecks.

Whatever their value to science, the galaxies are in the end as valuable to mankind as solutions to megalomania and anxiety.

Our sense of what is beautiful is a reflection of what we lack, and as our lacks change, so will our tastes.

She was so private, there were things she even forgot to say to herself...

Developing an adequate response to rejection, neither defensive nor sentimental, lies at the heart of any serious attempt at sanity.

The thought that if one leaves them it will ruin their life can grow so overwhelming that one ends up staying and thus ruins their life.

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