Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Beatless

I've realised that my role in MonkeyBucket was definitely that of Ringo in the Beatles. I wrote a few songs, mainly unsubtle three-chord stupid songs. I had a few crazy fans who would say I was the best thing in the band. If anyone had asked Al if I was the best bass player in the world, Al would have unhesitatingly replied "He's not even the best bass player in Monkey Bucket".

Al was of course the Lennon and McCartney of the band, all rolled up in one. Steve was a bit George Harrison, quiet, stay at the back and play guitar.

I'm sure if The Beatles were a five-piece with saxophone I'd find a role for Jan and Bernie, but sadly the analogy breaks down. I'm sure Dave Blackwell would be flattered to be compared to George Martin, and indeed he can. Top sounds.

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