Friday, July 22, 2005

Lights! Camera! Action!

Yesterday I was on a video shoot. The only lighting was a thermonuclear fusion source located about 93 million miles away, diffused by a layer of water vapour approximately 2000 metres up. The cameras were from a local videographer hire place, and the action came from a variety of waifs and strays. This was Alasdair's access ramp project!

Two years in the making, this project was born with an idea in Al's mind. He then managed to get some funding from the local council to get it made. The original plan was to do it last year, but for some reason it didn't happen. I've been badgering him about it since then. We may be a year late, but it will definitely come in under budget.

Since this was Al's directorial debut I made him a little present. I got a director's chair from Argos and stencilled 'AL - DIRECTOR' on the back. He loved it.

Filming went pretty well - Al seemed to leave most of the direction to me and the camera guys, they set up the shots and Al okayed it. I did most of the shouting of 'Places!' and 'Action!', and waving my prop crutches at the talent to get them moving at the right time. It took us a few takes to get each one right.

All I need to do now is the editing, the sound mixing, recording the voice-over, adding the graphics and titles, burning the DVDs, designing the covers....


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